How To Install Exodus On KODI 17 Krypton? After completing the above steps, follow the next procedure below to get Exodus on KODI 17 Krypton. All that is left is to install Exodus on KODI, without falling for any errors. Now, we have instructed KODI to allow the installations of Add ons or repositories from unknown sources. Once that has installed click on Indigo in add ons, then add on. Then click on video add ons, click on Indigo.

New URL: How to install EXODUS on KODI 17.3 Krypton version number maybe slightly different but process is the same Websites Used – click on that in install from repository. Now, you don’t need to wait for getting your home on time for watching your favorite show. Conclusion for Exodus on Kodi 17.4 Krypton Exodus on Kodi is the best thing that you can easily do it to avail the facilities of streaming unlimited movies, TV shows and much more easily on your device. Follow the guide to download and learn how to install Exodus ITA Kodi addon and enjoy online streaming with direct download repository on krypton 17.6 and jarvis.

Hope this helps! Welcome Exodus ITA the new Italian Exodus fork that has been raising eyebrows amongst the Kodi community because of the streaming links that it has. Restart to factory settings on your fire stick (if using fire stick) and this time just use fusion. If you try.srp first and then fusion.srp will counteract fusion, thus making it unable to download exodus. I have Kodi 17.4 with Covenant and I can’t find any more the option to download movies. You will see a file named ‘repository.kodibae. Make sure to open this GitHub page and look at the bottom. First, you need to download a ZIP file that contains the Kodi Bae Repository. Huge library of Movies and TV shows waiting for you. Exodus Kodi Addon is a name that needs no introduction in the community of Kodi users.